Gears Utility

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© 2024 Gears Utility
Jun 30, 2024

We've gone ahead and refreshed our main website, everything that you had before should still be there, just with a new look. We're looking at adding more things to the website, so if you have any ideas, let us know!

We've added a new dynamic project section where we can list out all our projects and call them all over the website, this is no longer static and makes life much easier.

We've added a new dynamic review section, so adding new reviews to our website is even easier than before! If you have a review, you can leave us one on your app store or you can message us.

Our blog has received an overhaul and you'll start seeing new posts on there, starting with 'E-Day & Things You May Have Missed'. We're also looing into guest posts, so if you're interested or know someone that might be, get in touch!

We've not done too much to the rest of the pages, they've just been changed to fit the vibe of the site so they don't look out of place. You may find some broken pages, if you do find any, let us know, but you shouldn't have an issue.

If you want to take a look at the refresh, you can view it today!


Apr 14, 2024

Looking for a unique way to curb your snack cravings? Introducing our exclusive RAAM fridge magnet! This magnet is so cool, it might make you think twice before opening the fridge.

Disclaimer: While our RAAM magnet is designed to be a fun deterrent, it’s so awesome that it might actually encourage you to visit the fridge more often! Use with caution.


Take a look!